Monday, June 27, 2011

Honoring a great teacher, mentor and friend

This weekend I had the privilege of singing in a choir conducted by Bart Evans who, until this coming school year, was the principal choir director at Dobson High School for the past 30 years. It was an amazing experience to say the least- singing in a group of over 200 people from the class of 1981 (that's the year I turned one) to 2011.... each one of us impacted in some way by this man's teaching ability. He was my teacher throughout high school at Dobson, until I graduated in 1998.
 Below is a picture of Mr. Evans with my best friend Amanda who has followed in his foot steps and become a choir teacher herself. And she is only one of many who have gone on to make music a part of their career because of this incredible man.
It was an emotional night. We were so happy to see him and be lead in song by him one last time; to be reunited with old friends who share the common bond of love for music and our old teacher, and yet sad to sing our last notes together at his hand.
Bitter sweet.

Thank you, Mr. Evans. We will forever pay it forward.

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