Saturday, October 8, 2011

A cookbook in the oven

The kids and I have been working on a cookbook since Summer 2010. Together we are making and taking pictures of our favorite family meals. I thought it would have been done a while ago, but there always seems to me more to add.!
Here is Aria with some scalloped potatoes she and I made one evening! Soo pretty! And the potatoes look great too!
(That was for you Greg!)

Here is Cole making a jalapeƱo-spinach pesto in the Cuisinart.

Me and my girl in our green aprons

The kids usually help me create their most-loved meals for the book. Here is Cole with one of his favorite dinners-
 Salisbury Steak and mashed potatoes. Yum!

My favorite part of this project is the time I get to spend with my kids. These are moments where I can teach them what I know, and they come away feeling proud of what they created.
I couldn’t be more proud of what I have created.

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