Sunday, November 13, 2011

30 days of crazy hair

Starting just over a week before Halloween, I bleached Cole’s hair blonde in preparation for the purple hair he wanted to go with his costume. After only a few days of VERY blonde hair, we dyed it a lovely shade of purple that he got sooo many compliments and comments on for about 2 weeks. I have to admit, I was a little sad to see it go. Then we had to dye his hair brown again to cover up the permanent purple color for our family photos. It turned out so much darker than his original sandy brown hair. (But at least it wasn’t purple.) I am interested to see how it will grow out! No matter what his color hair though- he is still my handsome boy!

Before he went blonde.                            Doesn't he look thrilled??

My platinum boy!                                       He really liked the purple!

Waiting for the brown dye to set.             And this is Cole today!

1 comment:

  1. The shirtless pics of Cole really mean a lot to me.
