Monday, November 7, 2011

I did it!

Ok--  yesterday was the big day…. The WHM to benefit Susan G. Komen for the Cure. I ran the entire 13.1 miles with only one stop to use the restroom right around mile 2 (darn pre-race coffee!).  I kept going even when I wanted to stop, telling myself the whole way, “You can DO this! Pain is momentary but pride lasts a lifetime!”  I was so encouraged by all of the women (and the few men running for their women) that surrounded me. All of the t-shirts, signs, cheer-leaders, high-fivers, and the PINK that surrounded me was so inspiring. It is something I think everyone should experience at least once in their lifetime. It was all for my mother-in-law and breast cancer research, but I got so much out of it! This is one of my greatest accomplishments!
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