Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Archway's First Winter Ball

Mid-December of 2011, Aria's Ballroom dancing club threw a Winter Ball to showcase some of the wonderful dances they had learned during first semester. All of the students who had participated in the club, along with their parents and grandparents were invited to attend. The cafteria was transformed into a winter wonderland with lights and snowflakes hanging magically from the ceiling. The young ladies stood off to the side, waiting for the young men to ask them to dance either the Waltz or to Swing. It was so cool to see these kids dance with eachother so well! They seemed soooo grown up!

Our little family accompanied Aria, along with Grandpa Bill and Grandma Judy who Contra dance just about every weekend throughout the year. Aria was asked to dance by a few boys including my closest friend's son, Isaiah. You can see a picture of the couple below. Aria danced with her Daddy, her Grandpa and even did a little Swing with her Grandma Judy! I got a lesson or two as well, from Isaiah- who is a very accomplished little dancer and knows how to lead! LOL!

It was a nice evening for a new experience. Unfortunately Aria is through with Ballroom Dancing for now- so enjoy these pictures of Aria dancing with a boy! They might be the last for a while! :o)

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