Thursday, January 19, 2012

It's been a while

Well, I realize it's been a while since my last post. It's s busy time of year and I haven't had much time to do more than what HAS to be done. When I think about this blog and all of the pictures and events that I haven't posted on, I get a little overwhelmed and don't want to even try! So I decided that I won't try to catch up. I'll just start off with what I would like to post about and fill in the details as I go- as time permits!
We had a lovely New Year, although I worked, and we have been full-steam ahead with school since then. Aria had an extra week off of school for "Project Week" which for her new Classical Charter school is a time to work on a big assignment that will be turned in and presented on the last Friday before break is up. Aria's grade was assigned the mountainous task of memorizing and reciting the poem, Paul Revere's Ride by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. If you aren't familiar with this one, let me just tell you... most adults couldn't memorize this beast in the 4 days these 9 and 10 year olds were given. It is 13 stanzas in length, and it is chalk full of complex words and concepts that these kids were not familiar with before they embarked on this journey. If you want to see for yourself how amazing these kids did, you can watch  their recitation on YouTube by typing in Archway Veritas 4th Grade- Paul Revere's Ride. It is quite impressive!
Cole got a Kindle Fire for Christmas and is learning how to load books on it to read in the downtime between homework and school (which is not very often). He has had some pretty difficult math exams to study for so we have been investing a lot of time there. I know he looks forward to the weekend when he can relax a bit and do some things he wants to do.
Greg just finished his last pre-requisite final for OT school and did very well! He's so smart and has this impressive ability to memorize countless facts that he learns in Anatomy and Physiology. I am always amazed at how is brain works! It's been fun for both of us to discuss topics in the subject of healthcare and medicine now that he understands so much of it. He should be moving on to OT school this coming August. Keep your fingers crossed!
I have been working and trying to keep this family clean, well fed, organized and happy while squeezing in a project here and there. I just celebrated my 32nd birthday and got to go out on a date with my honey! It's was well overdue! We had a great time! After our date, he presented me with my gift that I am currently tying on now- my first Apple Computer. It's pretty amazing! Thanks love!
Speaking of my love, I better go meet him for our coffee date! More updates to come!

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