Sunday, March 18, 2012

GS Valentine's Skate at Skateland!

Girl Scout Troop 749

I took my GS troop to Skateland for a Valentines skate a couple days before Valentines day and we had a blast! Not everyone could attend, but the ones who could really enjoyed themselves! They even earned a patch to add to their vests and sashes!

A couple of these girlies had never skated before, so it
was truly an exciting experience! Check out these cuties
in action!

This was Molly's first time skating.... she wasn't too impressed, so she hung out and watched most of the time.
I love seeing these girls helping eachother up and holding hands while they skate! So sweet!
Great friends... priceless memories!

Ella's mom, Dana, and her little brother Henry came to join in the fun!
I love skating and had fun encouraging these girls to keep trying no matter how many times they lost their balance.
I love this pic!
Molly fell on her hand and hurt her wrist, so her sister kept her company on the sidelines.
Sweet girls!

I had to include a pic of me.... LOL!
This is an arial shot, mid-skate!!
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Cole and his buddy Ryan came along for the fun!

Events like this are some of my favorite times with the
troop. I love these girls and really enjoy
spending time with them. I just hope these memories
stick with them as much as I know they will with me!

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