Tuesday, March 20, 2012

St. Patrick's Day fun

In our little family, we never do much more for St. Patty's Day than adding a little green to our foods and donning green clothing for the day. This year we had a little activity, courtesy of Grandma Judy. 

On Cole's Birthday, he and Aria were given a little bag tied with a Shamrock bow that said "Do not open until March 17th!" Let me tell you- I woke up that morning to the kids standing over this bag with smiles on their faces awaiting for my approval to FINALLY open it!

So, what was in this mystery package?? JELLO! 2 packets of "Mischief" Jello... a special flavor-less Jello that you add soda to in order to create your own flavor. Cole used his to make Rootbeer float jello parfaits with whipped cream in the Jello and on top. Aria used hers to make Sprite flavored Jello-Jigglers that she cut into little shapes. She said hers didn't taste like much, but Cole's tasted just like a Rootbeer float. 

It's neat to see the kids grow in their abilities in the kitchen. It makes me feel like all of our time together cooking and baking is making a difference. I bet someday we'll have a couple of pretty accomplished cooks and bakers in the family!
Aria showcasing one of her Jello-Jigglers minis!!

The collection   :o)

Cole made Root-beer float Jello parfaits! They were soooo yummy!

They had green Mac 'n' Cheese and all green fruits and veggies for lunch!!

1 comment:

  1. I have the close up shot of Cole on display life size in my kitchen in a large digital picture frame. It is great having him in there to look at and admire, and for a quick kiss occasionally, but the problem is he is so darn beautiful and so darn good looking he becomes a distraction when I am trying to cook if I am not careful. If I am going to run over to him and kiss on him grabbing some quickies I have to watch my timing LOL!
