Thursday, April 5, 2012

Taking time to smell the lilies

My blog url is "taking time to smell the lilies"... although spelled differently, may require an explanation for some of you. Lilies are, BY FAR, my favorite flowers- especially Star-gazer lilies. They have the most alluring smell and they are just so beautiful. Plus, they seem to last for so long! After the first blooms have faded and fallen from the stem, the once closed flower buds open for more beauty to be enjoyed. They remind me of my husband and the first flowers he gave me so long ago. (awe)

So... "taking time to smell the lilies" means that I am using these posts as an opportunity to stop and appreciate the beauty in my life as I try to to every day, both figuratively and literally. In fact, this picture is of one of the pretty Asiatic Lilies that is sitting aside my computer as I write. I hope it makes you smile inside as that is exactly what it does for me!

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