Sunday, May 20, 2012

Archway Classical's Inaugural Spring Ball

Yesterday, Aria and I got dressed up and attended her school's first Spring Ball. 

Aria and all of her friends looked so lovely in their spring dresses! Even the boys got dressed up in their shirts, slacks and ties- they looked so handsome!
Aria and Chloe

Fasika and Aria

Isaiah and Aria

The parents sat along the sidelines waiting to dance with their kids... and they did! Here are our good friends Anthony and Karen.
Chloe danced with her Daddy a couple of times. . .
. . .and her Mommy too! 
My dear friend Nery was there!

Isaiah taught her a couple of dances as well. 

But mostly they danced with each other. Each girl had to wait for a gentleman to ask her to dance. Aria had a few handsome dance partners.

It was amazing to me how brave some of these boys were- approaching these girls to dance. It was so fun to watch!!

It was neat to see some of our friends dancing together as well!

But my favorite dance of all was after Daddy showed up and had a lesson in the Box-step with Aria. She was so patient- he was trying so hard NOT to step on her toes. It was a precious moment!

Here are the three of us after the dance- all dressed up!
(How often does that happen??)

Then I had to get a few more pics of the girls looking so beautiful. 

This dance was so fun! I really enjoyed it and I think the kids did too. It was a great opportunity to showcase what they have learned all year. And they have learned a lot- more than I ever knew! The Box-step, the Fox-Trot, the Waltz, the Salsa and the Swing... all dances that will serve them well someday- maybe when they get married?? ( I know- I shouldn't even be going there in my mind!) 
Unfortunately, there is a chance this club will not be offered next year as the instructor who taught it will no longer be at Archway. I really hope there is someone else out there who will take her place so we can look forward to another year of Ballroom dancing at Archway Classical. It was a great experience that I'm sure none of them will forget.

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