Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A new blog in town

Okay everyone! Coley's got the blog-bug! He asked me if he could start his own blog about his Lego creations. I thought it would be a good creative outlet for him and something to help occupy his time over the summer, so.... it's not up and running yet, but by the time school get's out (May 23rd), you can go to www.awesomelegomocs.blogspot.com to check out his creations. 

In the title Awesome Lego MOCS, "MOCS" stands for "my own creations" which I guess is a popular term in Lego world. He is very talented at building all things Lego- he was even in a Lego club after school. The things he comes up with are totally amazing! I hope to see you there!

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