Saturday, May 5, 2012

Pop-tab jewelry

When I was in Puerto Vallarta a couple years back, I bought a version of this pop-tab bracelet from an kiosk in the airport. I thought it was super cute and very unique. I wear it every once in a while when I am in a spunky mood and I have gotten a lot of compliments from it- 
(believe it or not). 

The other day, Aria got a creative itch and decided to make these FUN-ky pop-tab earring and necklace, which reminded me of that bracelet once again. I pulled it out, studied the simplistic construction for a sec and Aria and I put our own bright spin on it! It seriously only took me 10 minutes to make.

For my 10-year-old's little wrist, we used up about 24 pop tabs and two 14 inch long lengths of 5/8 inch sateen ribbon. To make the weaving easier, we wrapped a piece of tape tightly around the end like a shoelace. (see below)
Once the weaving was done, we cut off the taped ends of the ribbon at a diagonal for a finishing touch.

The pop-tabs were placed in this overlapping pattern shown below and the ribbons were woven through one at a time with the ends simply hanging out of the last 2 holes. No knot is needed- these babies aren't going anywhere. Notice how, aside from the last two holes, the ribbons are woven through 2 pop-tabs each pass, connecting the top layer to the bottom.
We tied the ends of the ribbon together when we placed the bracelet it on her, but if you cut the initial ribbon length a bit longer, you could tie it into a bow.

So.... go on and recycle your way to some fun new jewelry- or a belt even!! I'm definitely going to save some more tabs throughout the summer and make these bracelets with my Girl Scouts next school year! 

TIPS: **Make sure that when you are placing the pop-tabs together, that the under-side of the tab is facing in. This gives a cleaner look to the finished project!
**Also, don't forget that most canned energy drinks like Rock Stars have brightly-colored tabs!! 

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