Friday, May 25, 2012

Sparkletini anyone??

 Whenever I have a party, I like to create a signature drink of sorts, to make my guests feel special and to add some fun to the event. For my last girls night, I made these watermelon Sparkletinis made with fresh watermelon and edible glitter. My girls loved them- of course- and they added a refreshing splash of glitter and glamor to the night. I highly recommend you give these ladies a try!

Really, you could take any drink and add some edible glitter to the rim and call it a Sparkletini, but if you'd like to try my delicious watermelon beverage (and you should) you definitely won't regret it.... with or without the bling!

Here's my recipe:

Watermelon Sparkletinis

Prepare your glasses first : Dip the rim of a martini glass in lime juice and then sprinkle it with some edible glitter called Disco Dust that can be purchased at most cake decorating stores. I go to ABC Cake Decorating in Phoenix for mine... and it comes in a large variety of beautiful colors! 

Next make your drink : Add to a blender, 1 cup of ice, 1/2 cup vodka, 1/2 cup juice (I used pineapple) the juice of 1 lemon, 2 tablespoons of brown sugar and about 3 cups of cut up watermelon (about 1/4 of a medium melon). Blend until smooth; pour into your glasses and find someone interesting to talk to, cause you're going to want to sit and enjoy this little lady for a while!

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