Wednesday, December 21, 2011

5-stranded plait

We saw another cool braid on YouTube; it's a 5-strand plait (another name for braid). It is difficult to do (mainly because your fingers get all twisted up) but the result is so pretty! It looks especially lovely on Aria's shiny brown hair!
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    Anybody being released, 'ghosted' (where an inmate is transferred to another jail with little or no notice) or taken to court would have had their doors openedat MK Outlet Sale 7.30am so there was no mixing.Other than the essential Coach Outlet Clearance Sale security of the prison, just about everything else is done by inmates. That includes cleaning, painting, cooking, laundry and prison industry, which brings in a little income for the prison.Prison industry could be anything from making clothing, items for charities or even CD scratching destroying unsold copies of albums.(Picture: Getty)The morning work session lasted until about midday, Coach Outlet Purses On Clearance then we would be sent back to the wings to collect lunch.We werethen locked up for about two hours so the staff can have their own lunch.Around 2pm, we'd be unlocked and sent back to work until around 5pmAfter the second shift, we'd be served dinner or tea as prisons call it.Dinner had to be eaten in your cell.It's not so bad if you had the bottom bunk you could sit there and eat but if you were top bunk, it was much easier to eat with your dinner on your knee, sat on the toilet.The food in prison was of a very poor Coach Outlet Online 80 OFF quality andit was only helped by the choice Jordan Shoe Stores available.The menu was different each week, but was the same every four weeks, so after a few months, the options became very mundane.There wereprovisions for low fat options too, but these were only ever given to inmates who had a note from the doctor. These meals were separately packaged and were individually labelled with the inmate's name on them.The meals weregenerally stews and curries anything that could be made in a large pot.
