Wednesday, December 21, 2011

On the Wednesday before school let out for Winter Break, Aria's after school choir, Viva Voice Choir, sang at a performance with all of  the other choirs at Archway Classical Academy. I was blown away by the level of music that I heard. I guess I shouldn't be suprised that the choir director holds these kids to just as high of a standard as the academic instructors hold them to everything else. Having been in choir for many years, I could appreciate the attention to detail this teacher had. The selection of music was beautiful and impressive! We heard songs in Latin, French and Spanish! I'm so proud of Aria for what she has accomplished in this group and so thankful that she is able to be a part of such a wonderful thing!
Viva Voice Choir conducted by Ms. Koci

Aria and her BF from school Jade

Cole was my date to the performance

A close up of Aria in the Viva Voice Choir
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