Saturday, December 24, 2011

C- is for COOKIE! Cookies with the COUSINS!!!

Over  a week ago, I co-hosted/attended a cookie decorating party with some friends while the kids were at school. It was so much fun, I decided to make up some more cookies and frosting and bring it to my sister's house to decorate with the cousins after Sunday dinner. I love doing this kind of activity with my family because it gets the kids out of hibernation, sitting around the table, talking and having fun as a family. It was a blast!
 As you can see, these weren't your typical Christmas cookies. I made some Star Wars characters for the boys, Eiffel Towers for my Paris-lover niece Miranda, Dachshunds for the Hofmann's (who have 3 at home), and some more traditional Christmas shapes like trees, snowmen and snowflakes for the purists! Of course the colors were very non-traditional as well. We all has such a great time though, making these cookies our own and eating them afterward! I hope we can make time for this activity every year!
I love snowflakes!

Alissa and Miranda made some beautiful cookies! And...
they are goof balls!

Nicky chose an Eiffel Tower. Why?
Because it was the largest cookie, of course!

Aria and Aunt Suzi put their artistry in action!

Cole made some Star Wars cookies..... 
Boba Fett and Jenga Fett to be exact!
And you see that pretty pink dog cookie that says I heart U?
He made that for me!!!

Alissa is very artistic! I love her dachshund!

Erik, Tatum and Wesley made some pretty cool cookies too!

I love Aria's choice of color!

I think Ashtyn was having fun!

Greg didn't want to decorate any cookies
so Aria made a special one just for him!

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